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Tree Oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus) Wild Strain

This was cloned from a foot long oyster mushroom. This strain fruits massive clusters with big meaty and delicious caps, this is a super sized oyster for sure. Fruits in hot or cold temperatures without any problems.


Substrate: Straw, Hardwood sawdust 
Colonizing/Fruiting Temps:70-75F/60-70F

Tree Oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus) Wild Strain


    ©2017 - Present by The Mycelium Emporium

    Not all images on this website are mine. Any copyrighted images are the property of their respective owners. Please give credit accordingly.

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    The Mycelium Emporium

    PO Box 345

    Enfield Maine 04493

    (207) 290-4273 (Mon-Fri 9am-3pm)

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